10/08/2024: Public Build 0.15 Release!
Hello, Burrowers! It's been a while since Mark last updated, but we're happy to present you with the public release of build 0.15!
Major Updates:
-Mark Day 5 (Mark's Path):
Continuing from Day 4, this update follows Grey and Mark's journey to escape NYC. *NOTE* This update ONLY contains the content for Mark's path. If you chose Simone's as the red choice on Day 3, her path will update next.
This update contains 14 CGs, 5 new songs (including another vocal contribution from the lovely Marlasoundsgood!), and is approximately 18k words.
Minor Updates:
-Bug /typo fixes from the last build and patron build
Well, that's all for now! Please enjoy, and if you do we'd really appreciate if you left a rating and/or a review of our game! As always, if you want up to date info on our game's development, head on over to our Twitter and our official Discord server. If you would like to help support the game (and get these updates out faster), please support us on Patreon!
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More posts
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- 11/25/2024: Public Build 0.15.1 Release!Nov 25, 2024
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- 04/01/2024: April Fools Update!Apr 01, 2024
- 03/10/2024: Build 0.13 Public Release!Mar 10, 2024
- 01/02/2024: Build 0.12.2 Public Release!Jan 02, 2024
- 11/13/2023: Build 0.12.1 Public Release!Nov 14, 2023
- 08/06/2023: Build 0.11 Public Build!Aug 06, 2023
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Ah my heart... I can't take it anymore...
This update was amazing, the amount of work that goes into every scene is incredible.
its terrifying how good this update is T^T
This was super intense
So, a watered-down summary of what went down (because I forget easily): Grey and Mark decide to get out of town to escape Virgil's antics after the whole sewer thing. As they're driving out of town, Mark gets in a grumpy mood due to the stress and suddenly they start arguing.
Grey attempts to reassess the situation as they're driving down a blizzard by making him open up about his issues. Mark admits he was lonely and in grief after his brother's death which explains why he would take pick up random men (Grey)from the streets. Grey asks about the other men he picked up. Mark replies by sharing the last dude he attempted to pick up tried to rob him after intercourse- Mark beat the shit out of him, of course(I notice Mark dodges the question about what happened to the other 6 men).
After some more pushing, Mark practically exclaims Grey is the only reason why he keeps pushing on with life. At this point, Mark is clearly mentally unstable so he screams and floors 130 MPH straight down the road. Everything goes white and BOOM, suddenly there's no snow and the scenery looks like summer. (I'm assuming they exited Virgil's little environment.) The car doesn't work anymore so they start walking.
Mark is hit with guilt and starts apologizing to Grey. Grey nonchalantly forgives him for it because he's determined to put all of that in the past to "fix" Mark. Hours later, they run into an invisible wall on the road preventing them from going further. It's nighttime at this point so they decide to go in the woods to set up camp.
They have their little happy moment laughing, gazing the stars and getting frisky. Eventually, the nagging thought of his brother's photo come up.
Grey asks Mark what's up with the photo next to the TOYS. Mark comes clean and admits he had romantic relations with his brother(keep in mind, the way he phrases his confession is as if he doesn't have any remorse towards his actions). Grey is repulsed by this and runs towards the woods without hearing Mark out. In the woods,
Grey throws up from the shock and does some self-reflecting. Grey comes to a conclusion he'll give Mark a chance to explain under the pretense that he doesn't know the full story between Mark and Joshua.
Then, Grey realizes he left Mark behind and rushes back to the camp. On the way, Grey encounters a mangled version of Mark and realizes this is the consequence for leaving him behind. Grey immediately picks Mangled Mark and dashes straight towards the road. Once he reaches the car(with the key still in the ignition), he reverses and floors the pedal back to New York.
When Grey returns back into the blizzard, Grey almost runs into a truck from the opposite lane. He jerks the car to the right and crashes straight into a tree. Grey blacks out and awakens to being held up in the air (literally) by Virgil. Virgil mocks their escape plan and SLAMS Grey to the ground.
(da da dOOoon)To be continued.
Gets me wondering what that outer era really was and how come Virgil wasn't able to reach them?
this is the most soul-crushing cliffhanger i've ever seen wtf
Bedt boi? Nah, Best Man!
Goddamn. Mark knows his stuff in bed
burrows has been sitting at a steady 5 stars on my rating/review since I first jumped on with my partner at Ken day 3. This update was really good, in ways I wasn't expecting, and I'm looking forward to the simone half as well!
On my birthday what a unexpected,but welcome surprise
Thank you so much for new public update I love it amazing work
Honestly kinda scared to even continue his route😭 (will still read it tho cause he's hot)
Glad to see you bouncing back
Not gonna lie, it's been a year since the last Mark update so forgot most of the minor plot points.
Thank you, Nikko! Nice to see our gentle maned wolf again.