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Guys pls i just spend 1st 10 sec in a game, and he said he have mud on his loafers when He clearly Have Oxfords on, pls fix


Finished the vn and I really truly enjoyed it. Wanted to note that I noticed each route had a card suit dedicated to one of the four, however two of them shared clubs and I was just asking if that was intentional or not? I looked through each route and did not notice hearts as one of the suits. 


I devoured all the routes in a few days. Very interesting horror mystery that I can't wait to see fully unfold.

Wait a second, you can do drugs in this game! I wonder what kind it is first...





I wish you could finish Ken's route I had mixed feeling but it's good. Wish you good luck


Gabe is so Precious, i need more of him


I, don't know how to put my opinions on the extras into words, but they are top-tier. Excellent job, Nikko.


Hiro is absolutely precious!

I just didn’t expect that I would be both happy to find out and not happy to find out like that at the same time

All the stories are overall well written, keep it up!


That was such a good side story, definitely my favorite, it was so sweet.



To think such a raging storm of insecurity and emotion was inside of cesar, Heck i just write him off as one off as "asshole" of the group but he has his own struggles going on. I do hope he finds himself in possible future side stories. Also that ending CG was too cute not to use as a background. 




It seems the VN has received backlash bc of the latest update. I don't comment often, but I feel I need to state my upmost support for this project.

I was already very happy with how things went so far. But the Hiro update has only strenghtenned my appreciation for Burrows. As a nb transmasc person myself, words really can't do justice of my feelings on the matter. I'm beyond happy of seeing representation in the main cast of a popular furry VN, and one of this quality to boot! Keep up the good work Nikko! I know I'll be following Burrows every step of the way! ≤3

(1 edit) (+5)

DUDE, I went NUTS when I saw the portuguese part. My mother language is portuguese, so my brain glitched at first because i didnt notice the language swap, followed by chills going down my spine. For a sec I was sure the game was talking directly to me! Lol, Anyways, awesome storytelling and amazing art, eager to see where everything goes!


GAAAAAAA YOUR STORY LINE ARE SOOOO FUCKING GOOOOOOOD GAAAAAA I like people like you that make romantic and scary stories and I love them both so continue tell the end


The fact that Hiro's route isn't fully complete and published yet is a hate crime to my feelings.

also is gabe like a bottom route or is there a cg of him topping?

(4 edits)

so will progress in one story affect another? 

(spoilers btw)

bc the tod left his note in our notes implying hes aware of the forth wall and im assuming would notice when we go into the woods, regardless of when

in any case hats off to you, anytime a character dose stuff like write in your notes is so dope

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Another diamond in the rough, im glad i tried out this VN, i was honestly just bored waiting for the next FBtW update so i ddcided to try this

my goodness, this game is amazing, i love the very detailed art style of this vn, the anatomy of characters especially Grey, he's cute in images (i wish we had an image room). Each character is complex and interesting, i think this vn has good representation.

I like how mc is pan, most vns ive read only have gay protagonists, this is a first

Also the nsfw scenes are good

My one nitpick is how Mark and Grey stand, they look awkward standing with straight legs, but i think thats just part of their character, still love them tho

I will be looking forward to future updates to this game<3

Thank you for this wonderful VN, Nikko!


Damn... damn! That was the most riveting game I've ever played. Please continue with Ken's route, I want to know what happened, I hate being left in the dark.


Yashiro is my favorite boy everything about him is perfect although i wish there was a translation for players in his part so at least we knew what he and the others were saying before gray did

Deleted 151 days ago

I really can't wait for the continuation of Ken's story! It is so intriguing! Thank you for the amazing game, Nikko, I fell in love with this horror genre immediately. It is so different than most horror games we see today and just gives a whole new feeling of wanting more of the characters story. I just can't find the words for it, wow. I can't wait for more! I hope the creation of the game goes smoothly as you continue. Have an amazing week! (P.S. The Dungeons & Dragon's theme to Gabriels/Chugs part is amazing. Lol)


Spoilers for Hiro Route

Look, for story reasons, I think the Hiro twist is great,  and I wanna be respectful here. If this wasn't porn, I would be estatic. But I just wish you made that clear from the beginning, cause i thought he was the hottest one right off the bat and we waited so long for his route just to find out he doesnt have what im sexually in to and any sexy time with him will be for people with a different sexual preference than what it seemed like. I was so disappointed, it felt like i got blue balled. Love this VN but maybe just put, like, tags on each route so people know what to expect from the sex scenes and whether they should get their hopes (and dicks) up.


Maybe dont make assumptions based on appearance- either with games or real life.


You tell em' boss!


Okay, but, obviously there's a difference between real life (or a non-pornagraphic story) and a pornographic game. Have you never gotten really into a porn before and then something happens that you're not into and it totally kills your boner (figuratively)? Imagine that but for something you waited months to see. I still would've read it for the story. It's a great story. And it's really cool that it's free to play. But for the porn elements it's best to know what you're getting into before you start. I'm just trying to leave respectful constructive feedback here.


There isn't even any porn with Hiro yet. You are not being caught in surprise here. Maybe don't put so much stack in your expectations while you don't know anything about the characters.

(1 edit) (+15)(-1)

This is a HORROR game first and foremost. If you only play it for the porn and base your expectations on that alone, you were destined to be disappointed from the jump. I don't owe anyone an explanation about my character's personal information until it's established in the text


Holy shit dude. Like, did you even read my comments? Im saying it was GOOD. I LIKE the story. I was just expressing some dissapointment with the porn aspect in literally the most calm, respectful way I could, and youre acting like I shat in your cereal. I didnt realize you were that kind of person that cant take any criticism at all. Fuck.


oh stop. the whole "it's not my thing, why didn't you tell my favorite character wasn't born with a penis?" is not criticism, nor is it respectful.

Deleted 2 years ago

There are other places to get free small guys.

Deleted 151 days ago

I am so sad that I got to the to be continued spot on hiros route


WOOO I LOVE BURROWS VN...god this newest update was so good hiro is probably my favourite route so far (they're all so amazing tho) i can't wait for more....this is quickly rising in the ranks of my favourite VNs definitely in my top 5


I personally don't give a flying fuck whether Hiro is trans or not, I love all the characters equally (even the annoying ones like Cesar) and if there's a hole then there's a goal.


Oh my gosh I can't stop laughing! XD

Do you know where to find the music of the menu pls? 

Here it is! 

gracias amigos!

Ngl I had been losing interest a little bit in terms of how the surreal elements of the story were implemented, but, I loved the new intro and thought it did a way better job of setting up the rest of the story, or at least what I can picture of it at the moment. Although it somewhat concerns me just how much attention is brought to his body in only that first day, I absolutely love Hiro and he's probably my favorite character so far aside from Grey. I like that he is highly intelligent but also doesn't scoff at superstition or personal beliefs.

The surreal elements were your problem?  For me it's that the routes seem so sequestered so far (being in entirely different time periods isn't helping).

I just thought that Virgil in particular, and the means by which Grey is able to actually meet the other characters felt like it could have done with more explanation previously, while still keeping it as a point of intrigue of course. I think the new opener does that, by giving a little more information to go off of and solidifying what I personally feel like Virgil's role in the story is, where previously I had no clue if he was meant to be an actual antagonistic force, or just using a very powerful motivator on Grey (fear). In the other routes, there isn't as much going on with the surreal elements, aside from Mark's, so having more of those scenes in Hiro's route also made it seem like it was a bigger part of the story overall, as opposed to just like, the plot device by which things are happening. Like the ending scene of this build was cool, albeit confusing. 

I think the reason we see more of that in Mark's route is because it was the one that got the most updates so far. Personally, i really like the intrigue as to what even are Virgil's intentions with this, but i don't expect to learn anything until much further in development still. At this stage though, i do think the story is intentionally vague so as to leave us guessing and trying to figure things out on our own. Which, understandably, can feel a bit uncomfortable since we have to wait for new updates to get more pieces of the puzzle.

Deleted 151 days ago

Ken has issues that could have made him so much worse.

Just a guess but Mark might have some kind of emotion problem.

"Problems" might be the common thread but that's so vague I'm not sure about counting it myself.


Ken seems to have a bipolar disorder or double personality. For now i would say he is more of a loose cannon. It's hard to say how much of what he does is him. 

Mark though, if he is indeed the perpretator of things the story has implied there's no excuse. Emotional trauma doesn't absolve you from culpability, it merely gives context.

We often equate character routes to romantic routes, but that doesn't have to always be the case. It's not impossible for Grey to not end up with any of the main characters, because that might not be the point to the story. Considering what's been presented so far, the goal seems for Grey to save those characters, potentially from themselves, and in turn learn to value his own.

I didn't mean emotional TRAUMA.  I meant it's like he's apathetic or intense with almost no middle.

Deleted 151 days ago

i could b wrong but as someone with a low empathy disorder i think mark is a sociopath

That too possibly.


the amount of attention to detail that goes into this VN is absolutely astounding

Anyone else having problems with the scene after this on Android?

Like crashing?  Hiccups (lag)? Some kind of display error?

It goes to a black screen right after this scene


it just does that for a few seconds to make the elevator ride seem uncomfortable, it's part of the story and after a few seconds just click again.

(1 edit)

from where your at I believe there isn’t a problem it’s just the transition between that part is a cut scene, the screen just goes black for while. I was at this point and thought it was a glitch so I just tuned on skip seen text making sure it wasn’t. yeah either wait for the scene to finish or turn on skip to continue the story skipping the cut scene

I can't turn on skip when I get there

Sooo... the music.  Is it sold anywhere?

The tracks I can't find in the folders I mean.

Deleted 151 days ago
(1 edit)

Was kind of hoping for something more like an album but thanks.

... Where's the one that plays in the rain?  From the prologue.

Deleted 151 days ago

Okay that's technically correct thanks but I meant the barely audible... can it be called jazz playing on the way to the bar.

I think it played one night in Gabe's route too.

Deleted 2 years ago

Each route is not just unique for how well developed the characters are, but they each invoke such strong and contrasting vibes that every route makes it feel as if we're jumping into a whole new universe! UwU amaaazing work as always~! n_n/ While Ken is my all time favourite, I honestly can't wait to spend more time with ANY of the boys~ :p


Finished playing the new build, I'm loving Hiro's route so far! Spoilers obviously I'm a bit confused about the timeframe of which his story takes place, but based on some dialogue, I'm guessing it's actually before Grey was born/during his time as a child? I might be completely wrong though. Still, I can't wait to see how his route progresses, the fairy stuff is intriguing so far!

(1 edit) (+1)

Near 1928, I think. Or 1936-38, depends on Zeppelin model - LZ129 or LZ130, I think.

Oh so closer to his actual time then, that's interesting!


Also here to spell my support for Hiro's route! Thank you, Nikko, for your wonderful characters & story you are putting out for us.

(1 edit) (+9)(-1)

So far I'm liking the Hiro update. When I saw the bandages I immediately knew what's going on. I was shocked but at the same time very intrigued. Fortunately I don't play these game purely for the smut and I'm open minded to how the creator wants to make thier characters. Considering the MP is pansexual, this will be very interesting how this will pan out. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Seeing how dense some complainers have been, thinking it's okay to flaunt their prejudice as if it was valid criticism. I'm compelled to spell out my support for this project, which was already fantastic from the very first build, in including trans represation in one of the main characters. I thank you for trying to write about them in spite of the uneasiness it may cause. They really deserve a lot more visibility than they get, because our lgbtqiapn+ community not only involves many more people than just the g, it was trans people who took the first steps to make it happen in the first place. Here's hoping for a day when people won't dare to marginalize our own pride.


Indeed, Hiro's route is a surprise. But, isn't it make his (or their) route become more interesting?


His route, the narrative exclusevely referred to hiro with he/him pronouns. And yes, there is just so much that can be explored about what people like him go through that's new and fresh, so many things to learn. It's such a waste of potential to not have stories that dare to approach this topic.

Deleted 151 days ago

Yes, i saw it. You corrected yourself within the next comment, which i upvoted. This is the exact reason visibility to these people is necessary, so it's normalized. I understand that from how little contact we all have with them, it can be a bit confusing and even uncomfortable at first. The fact society neglects to aknowledge their existence, means that a lot of us don't know how to properly interact with them in a respectful manner.

Deleted 2 years ago

Is hiros route update available for Android yet?



Hiro's route is fantastic, theirs this lost sense of dramatic irony that makes his route more intriguing, but to me if you translate what everyone says, kind of loses that aspect of how Grey feels in situations where he feels lost. The hints the story gives along the way, is like the story allowing you to see the full puzzle, foreshadowing what might happen later on in the chapters. Overall this VN is indeed my favorites. every route has me quenched for more.


Do you plan on following a set pattern for whose routes get updated in each coming update, or will you pick one of them at random?

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