(mild spoilers??) I started playing this VN back in November last year but only finished all the routes + extras today and... woah dude this is quite literally the best VN I've ever played. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time especially in Mark's route. I did not expect that turn in Gabe's route either I thought they were just gonna have cute scenes lmaoo. (Thorn is so cool?? I wanna be them so bad) The extra about Sam's death made me sob so hard too my poor babies :(( Pls keep up the great work (continuation of Ken's route PLEASE I'm begging on my knees) and the spicy scenes hehe :D (VIRGIL & CESAR SPICY SCENES WITH GREY PLSPLSPLSPLS) I'll be eagerly waiting for the updatessss
I think that Sam's soul reincarnated as Gabriel in his new life while also parts of his soul are owned by Virgil, this could be why Gabriel is a bit dumb dumb in the head.
Cause in my religious beliefs that the soul have three parts and six something, that if you loses even 1 parts of it you're mentality undeveloped something.
But anyway, Gabriel is very similar to Sam, his behaviours and stuffs. Also often times how Sam took over Gabriel identity for moment. And dues to what he said we knew Gabriel is possessed by Sam. But I just had a feeling it's more than just possession by different soul but it's the reincarnation of said soul itself.
What's the logic behind Grey unable to do push up?
Like dude looks well-defined with clear muscles but he struggles so much to do push up while have no trouble with curls?
Even I can do twenty despite being skinny arms with not a single muscle at the age of 15!!! Wtf Grey?! How'd you look mighty fine yet struggle with this!?!
This VN is fucking amazing, I just have two small problems with it. 1.- In Mark's route, when Simone and Grey crawl out of the sewers into New York, you can clearly see a modern car in the background, which is weird since they're supposed to be in the year 1965. 2.- In Gabriel's route, Grey says that Sam commited suicide when Grey was 13, but in the timeline it says that Grey was born in April 1903, but it also says that Sam commited suicide in September 1917, which would've made Grey 14 at the time Sam commited suicide. I'm sorry if what I'm saying doesn't really make a lot of sense, English is not my first language so I struggle to come up with the right words sometimes when speaking, especially in "long" texts like these, hope it helps though. : )
Oh shit! i did not see that coming! love mark, gabes and hiros story so far! I wont spoil anything an anyone that hasnt played the novel yet dont read any spoilers! to the author, thankyou this story has helped my depression in a strange way. Knowing someone was going through this. I can tell this was made from a real place or moment in time. Keep up the good work and hang in there <3
so, i always thought grey was a bit of a wuss. until last night, i had this nightmare with lanky virgil eating me alive. the only thing i could do was every now and then get a visual novel style choice selection to decide what body part he'd be taking next. it was so terrifying i was second guessing going back to sleep. that's very unusual to me, because i mostly only get mildly annoyed when i'm startled awake due to nightmares.
Good to see you again, Trinexx. I run into you everywhere lmao. Grey is an interesting case, in that I'd usually think he's a bit cowardly too, but nuanced and respectable enough as a person that I'm giving him a pass.
oh, i don't mean he is poorly characterized. it works for an horror narrative like this. there's just this disconnect from how he responds to things and how i feel from reading. that's normal, disagreeing with the protagonist is something i do a lot. what i really wanted to say is, i now understand just how fearsome virgil really could be and why grey feels so helpless against him.
I´m really enjoying reading this novel, the sprites of the characters are beautiful, the music too and the story is really good. I´m almost done reading every route, however I found something funny:
Spoiler alert:
On Gabe´s route, Grey doesn´t know what skinny-dipping means, however on Ken´s route he does.
I just wanted to let you know Nikko, thank you for writing such an amazing novel.
i'll say this, HOLY FUCK. what i witnessed playing through my baby gabe's route...but why did i believe nikko was gonna just give me some good moments of gabe's route only. To be butt fucked into a corner and abused. im loving every moment
P.S, amazing art 10/10 would have smashed deejay, uh nikko needs to stop being absolute god at art and drawing the creepiest shit ever and making me enjoy this visual novel
This VN looks absolutely fucking amazing just based on the art and the description. So excited to play it. I really like VNs with an actual story behind them lmao
Woah just im stunned i played borrow just cause i love reptiles and I saw a shark and I'm just all for it, God was i in for some big emotional mess of a trip, I connect so much with gave on how he feels and react to my decisions I have never been so found in vn like I usually just skip a lot of stuff but I was listening in Through everything, so much talent was put into this vn and as much as I loved it I also hated it Not in a bad way mainly speaking for the traumatic events such as seeing gave dead on the Dream I panick and cried for like who knows how, then the intense pressure of leaving Gabe alone and go check on the others it made me worry for all I was so dam scare to see one of my fav cast of characters at least see one dead would make me cry for weeks istg I also better get more of Gabriel I wanted so badly to have swim practice 😢.
Music chef kiss the jazz the music that added with the backgrounds fitted perfectly, the idea of timeliness shifting the idea of the time line on the game holy shit that was my favorite the fact u added a vn where it doesn't even take place on the current time the Mc was makes me shook ofc I'm talking from gave experience i cant describe how good this vn is keep up the good work I been also doodling Gaberiel I love the shark he makes my day w8th his smile, as much as I love the game I def need the brake as it messes with my mental health a lot when it triggers my past. But I'm a ground up ^^ thank u so much for making this vn perhaps others find it more special then me and help them with their problems. I hope it isn't a long wait for another Gabriel update cause I sure do hope we get to that swimming part I BETTER SEE IT!
I love this game, ngl I was not expecting to like it so much and everytime that used to pop up on some other vn in the related game list I never really gave it a chance but Im glad that I finally did it, cuz it's really amazing! and the art it's so different and well done, I really enjoyed <3 I just have two question I know people usually find it annoying when people ask this, but I was just wondering if the mc is gonna bottom some time, cuz I was really hoping to see him bottoming but most scenes with the love interest is him topping, and the other question is about Ken, I was wondering if we choose not to have sex with jean do we loose some kind of point with him or it's gonna affect the history with him in a bad way? sorry for the long text and the broken english haha
Fr, I'm so glad I gave it a chance. I've kinda learned over the years how to find the good VNs, but I still overlooked this one until two weeks ago. I have now 100%'d the current build, which took me two weeks of spare time, but it was worth it. Rarely do I get quality AND quantity, and boy do they go together oh so well! I hope this will get increasing support as it continues, and I will spread the word as much as I can. FANTASTIC WORK
As a recovering alcoholic myself, I appreciate seeing the representation in Grey. Considering that he starts drinking again in this game (at least in some routes), I hope to see some of the consequences of that get explored a bit more.
Hiro's Japanese feels very google translate in a lot of places, but that's a less pressing concern considering most readers aren't fluent. Nevertheless, very eager to see more of Hiro's story in future updates
I love everything about this game, except a certain falling metal pipe sound effect in marks route, I heard it and my fight or flight instincts kicked in.
← Return to game
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(mild spoilers??) I started playing this VN back in November last year but only finished all the routes + extras today and... woah dude this is quite literally the best VN I've ever played. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time especially in Mark's route. I did not expect that turn in Gabe's route either I thought they were just gonna have cute scenes lmaoo. (Thorn is so cool?? I wanna be them so bad) The extra about Sam's death made me sob so hard too my poor babies :(( Pls keep up the great work (continuation of Ken's route PLEASE I'm begging on my knees) and the spicy scenes hehe :D (VIRGIL & CESAR SPICY SCENES WITH GREY PLSPLSPLSPLS) I'll be eagerly waiting for the updatessss
Is Gabriel Sam's reincarnation?
I think that Sam's soul reincarnated as Gabriel in his new life while also parts of his soul are owned by Virgil, this could be why Gabriel is a bit dumb dumb in the head.
Cause in my religious beliefs that the soul have three parts and six something, that if you loses even 1 parts of it you're mentality undeveloped something.
But anyway, Gabriel is very similar to Sam, his behaviours and stuffs. Also often times how Sam took over Gabriel identity for moment. And dues to what he said we knew Gabriel is possessed by Sam. But I just had a feeling it's more than just possession by different soul but it's the reincarnation of said soul itself.
What's the logic behind Grey unable to do push up?
Like dude looks well-defined with clear muscles but he struggles so much to do push up while have no trouble with curls?
Even I can do twenty despite being skinny arms with not a single muscle at the age of 15!!! Wtf Grey?! How'd you look mighty fine yet struggle with this!?!
Spinal damage mayhaps.
no way, bro just confessed he's fifteen under 18+ VN :O
Sadly that’s rather common, wish there were better restrictions to prevent horny teenagers from getting this kind of content.
Screaming, sobbing and crying rn
This VN is fucking amazing, I just have two small problems with it.
1.- In Mark's route, when Simone and Grey crawl out of the sewers into New York, you can clearly see a modern car in the background, which is weird since they're supposed to be in the year 1965.
2.- In Gabriel's route, Grey says that Sam commited suicide when Grey was 13, but in the timeline it says that Grey was born in April 1903, but it also says that Sam commited suicide in September 1917, which would've made Grey 14 at the time Sam commited suicide.
I'm sorry if what I'm saying doesn't really make a lot of sense, English is not my first language so I struggle to come up with the right words sometimes when speaking, especially in "long" texts like these, hope it helps though. : )
I'm in love with this VN, thank you for saving my life
I am BEGGING you to show my boy Hiro some love
I think Mark might be my favorite
Ken got the personality & comedy, Mark got everything else 👌👍
i used to simp for mark before i read the extra story now i kinda have no idea about his persona
Ranked Ken/Mark, Gabe, Hiro
When is next Ken update? Its getting juicy and I'm at the to be continued. I'm dying to see what happens next its getting so juicy.
To be honest this game surprised me but I really love them all which route do you guys like the most.
So far Ken but I've only finished his and Gabriel's. I need to play the other routes.
Oh shit! i did not see that coming! love mark, gabes and hiros story so far! I wont spoil anything an anyone that hasnt played the novel yet dont read any spoilers! to the author, thankyou this story has helped my depression in a strange way. Knowing someone was going through this. I can tell this was made from a real place or moment in time. Keep up the good work and hang in there <3
I'm addicted to the song ''My Moment To Shine'' help
I wish more modern bands implemented classical instruments like that...
Ah yes, children suffering. My favorite subject.
I can't wait for the next Hiro update!
there is a Burrows FanWiki page
it really could use some love
so, i always thought grey was a bit of a wuss. until last night, i had this nightmare with lanky virgil eating me alive. the only thing i could do was every now and then get a visual novel style choice selection to decide what body part he'd be taking next. it was so terrifying i was second guessing going back to sleep. that's very unusual to me, because i mostly only get mildly annoyed when i'm startled awake due to nightmares.
Good to see you again, Trinexx. I run into you everywhere lmao. Grey is an interesting case, in that I'd usually think he's a bit cowardly too, but nuanced and respectable enough as a person that I'm giving him a pass.
oh, i don't mean he is poorly characterized. it works for an horror narrative like this. there's just this disconnect from how he responds to things and how i feel from reading. that's normal, disagreeing with the protagonist is something i do a lot. what i really wanted to say is, i now understand just how fearsome virgil really could be and why grey feels so helpless against him.
wait what version is android release on?
damn leave it to nikko to make a really good vn with even better nsfw content truly an amazing vn thus far
I´m really enjoying reading this novel, the sprites of the characters are beautiful, the music too and the story is really good. I´m almost done reading every route, however I found something funny:
Spoiler alert:
On Gabe´s route, Grey doesn´t know what skinny-dipping means, however on Ken´s route he does.
I just wanted to let you know Nikko, thank you for writing such an amazing novel.
Just pointing out one small detail on the game logo: why is there an arrow pointed downwards on the "O"? Is there a meaning behind it?
i'll say this, HOLY FUCK. what i witnessed playing through my baby gabe's route...but why did i believe nikko was gonna just give me some good moments of gabe's route only. To be butt fucked into a corner and abused. im loving every moment
P.S, amazing art 10/10 would have smashed deejay, uh nikko needs to stop being absolute god at art and drawing the creepiest shit ever and making me enjoy this visual novel
litteraly the best furry VN I've played, hilarious and mind shattering 🥰
This VN looks absolutely fucking amazing just based on the art and the description. So excited to play it. I really like VNs with an actual story behind them lmao
Woah just im stunned i played borrow just cause i love reptiles and I saw a shark and I'm just all for it, God was i in for some big emotional mess of a trip, I connect so much with gave on how he feels and react to my decisions I have never been so found in vn like I usually just skip a lot of stuff but I was listening in Through everything, so much talent was put into this vn and as much as I loved it I also hated it Not in a bad way mainly speaking for the traumatic events such as seeing gave dead on the Dream I panick and cried for like who knows how, then the intense pressure of leaving Gabe alone and go check on the others it made me worry for all I was so dam scare to see one of my fav cast of characters at least see one dead would make me cry for weeks istg I also better get more of Gabriel I wanted so badly to have swim practice 😢.
Music chef kiss the jazz the music that added with the backgrounds fitted perfectly, the idea of timeliness shifting the idea of the time line on the game holy shit that was my favorite the fact u added a vn where it doesn't even take place on the current time the Mc was makes me shook ofc I'm talking from gave experience i cant describe how good this vn is keep up the good work I been also doodling Gaberiel I love the shark he makes my day w8th his smile, as much as I love the game I def need the brake as it messes with my mental health a lot when it triggers my past. But I'm a ground up ^^ thank u so much for making this vn perhaps others find it more special then me and help them with their problems. I hope it isn't a long wait for another Gabriel update cause I sure do hope we get to that swimming part I BETTER SEE IT!
I love this game, ngl I was not expecting to like it so much and everytime that used to pop up on some other vn in the related game list I never really gave it a chance but Im glad that I finally did it, cuz it's really amazing! and the art it's so different and well done, I really enjoyed <3 I just have two question I know people usually find it annoying when people ask this, but I was just wondering if the mc is gonna bottom some time, cuz I was really hoping to see him bottoming but most scenes with the love interest is him topping, and the other question is about Ken, I was wondering if we choose not to have sex with jean do we loose some kind of point with him or it's gonna affect the history with him in a bad way? sorry for the long text and the broken english haha
Fr, I'm so glad I gave it a chance. I've kinda learned over the years how to find the good VNs, but I still overlooked this one until two weeks ago. I have now 100%'d the current build, which took me two weeks of spare time, but it was worth it. Rarely do I get quality AND quantity, and boy do they go together oh so well! I hope this will get increasing support as it continues, and I will spread the word as much as I can. FANTASTIC WORK
I wanna fuck the marten
Way too real 😂
Loving this so far, can't wait for more.
As a recovering alcoholic myself, I appreciate seeing the representation in Grey. Considering that he starts drinking again in this game (at least in some routes), I hope to see some of the consequences of that get explored a bit more.
Hiro's Japanese feels very google translate in a lot of places, but that's a less pressing concern considering most readers aren't fluent. Nevertheless, very eager to see more of Hiro's story in future updates
Hiro's Japanese text has been looked over by someone and will be altered in his next update
so will gabe have any top scenes? or is he only a bottom.
He kinda topped with his mouth in the video game scene lol
Can't believe I got Shrek'd like that
ok so, i know this vn wont be fully completed for a few years but istg if none of the routes end well im going to cry
I'd imagine bad and good outcomes
Gabe my sweetest boy was the first route I picked, I'm so glad he's back! Can't wait to get traumatised together
I love gabe sm 🥺🧡
I love everything about this game, except a certain falling metal pipe sound effect in marks route, I heard it and my fight or flight instincts kicked in.
It's in Hiro's route too and it used to be loud AFFFF. They lowered the volume on it now though
Amazing though I hat cliffhangers
You know it’s a good vn when my biggest complaint is that y’all are using 4 cylinder sports bike soundfiles for what are obvious v-twins lol
Damn, out of every nsfw AI site, he's on c.ai
the way i would let gabe, mark and ken all rail me at the same time is just shocking
Let Hiro get a piece too!
hiro just smolll but if u insist
anyways how old are they all???
20s to 30s 🤔
I love every love interest except Mark bro is losing it fr
You're so real for this, I hate him and I don't know why
i love mark except for the fact that hes just a huge walking red flag